Fuel Gauge in KG for Aircraft using the following Fuel Tanks. Left Aux, Left Main, Center, Right Main and Right Aux
1) Used Fuel Eng 1&2
2) Total Used Fuel
3) 3x Switchable Fuel Valves
4) Tank Empty indications
5) Tank Fuel Level Management
6) Fuel Flow Eng 1+2
7) Fuel On Board
8) Gross Weight
9) Mirror Left Tanks to Right
10) Black or Blue Background
11) Optional Glass Reflection
12) Mini Menu
13) Brightness Control (Physical FIP)
14) Virtual Power Function
Fuel Value Animations require MSFS 2020
Some FREE FBW improved compatibility snippets to download
Aircraft Compatibility:
Simulator: Fully Compatible
3rd Party: Mostly Compatible*
Please report any 3rd Party incompatibility via our discord channel
* some improved FBW compatability via included scripts on [S1] Button
Buttons & Dials Summary:
[S1] Toggle Fuel Value 1:
[S2] Toggle Fuel Value 2:
[S3] Toggle Fuel Value 3:
[S4] Tank Selection / Longpress mirror left to Right:
[S5] Toggle input in Gph or KGph:
[S6] Toggle Black and Blue backgrounds:
[L Dial] Menu Value Up/Down:
[R Dial] Menu Left/Right: