(Click gauge image to download it)
Demo gauges are limited between 6 to 10 minutes of operation and then SPAD.neXt will "time-out" the gauge. During operation our logo is present when in the air (not while on the ground).
Click any of the gauges below to download the demo version of that gauge.
Click to download Custom Checklists Configs and our Custom Checklist Creator application (Custom Checklist Gauge is required).

Click to download free fipgauges global variables settings gauge.

Click to download fipgauges NEW free Virtual Power Settings and Diagnostics gauge.

Public Windows FIP Device Driver:
If you are having issues getting Windows to recognise your FIP Hardware, then install the drivers from the link below.
CLICK HERE to download the Windows FIP Device Driver
SUBJECT: Hardware device drivers for flight information panels
Expanded from information from
Download FIP HARDWARE Driver from Logitech ( ) and install.
SPAD.neXt is the only driver that will run my gauges. Other software that manages FIP will need removing:
In "Apps and Features" -> look for "Logitech Direct Output" or "Saitek Direct Output" or "Direct Output" and uninstall it. It has either one of those names depending on the version you installed.
Other software that manages FIP will need removing:
Before starting SPAD.neXt, start the services manager (Windows Key->"Services") and STOP the "Direct Output" Service if there.
Also make sure SaiFlightSimX.exe or LogiFlightSimX.exe are not running when you start your SIM, you can use the task manager to see if either of those apps are running.
I can not document or support this process unfortunately. If you need help getting you FIP active in SPAD.neXt then please contact SPAD.neXt support.