1) PFD
2) HSI
3) G5 interactive Menu
4) Speed flags and variable editor
5) Working annunciator bar
6) Attitude Gauge
7) IAS tape and AP IAS bug
8) Altitude tape and AP ALT bug
9) VSI indicator and AP VSI indications
10) Flight Director (2 styles)
11) Localizer Indicators
12) TAS Display
13) OAT display
14) Compass with various directional bugs
15) Bearing Pointers (assignable)
16) QNH Setting (Right Dial)
17) Many "V" Flags configurable
18) Coloured speed bars configurable
19) MAX and MIN speed Warnings
20) Stall Warning
21) 2 attitude bank styles, ground or sky pointer
22) Brightness Control (Physical FIP)
Please report any bugs to info@fipgauges.com.
PMDG doesn't output flight director data so default simulation flight director is output (points to level flight)
Aircraft Compatibility:
Simulator: Fully Compatible
3rd Party: Mostly Compatible*
Please report any 3rd Party incompatibility via our discord channel
Buttons & Dials Summary:
[S1] Mini Menu:
[S5] LongPress Set Pressure 29.92:
[S6] G5 Activate Button:
[R Dial] G5 Mode Dial Decrease/Increase: