1) Airline and GA Trim wheels
2) Trim position needles
3) Trim position Values
4) Trim adjustment controls
5) 4 Aircraft modes
A) SIM Airliners
C) PMDG 737
D) SIM and PMDG 747
6) Optional Side Buttons
7) 3 x Trim Speed adjustment for Dial and Buttons
8) Gauge brightness control
9) Panel light control
Please report any issues (all upgrades are free).
Aircraft Compatibility:
Simulator: Fully Compatible
3rd Party: Fully Compatible*
*Please report any 3rd Party incompatibility via our discord channel
Buttons & Dials Summary:
[S1] Trim Nose Down:
[S2] Aircraft mode 0-3:
[S3] Centre Trim:
[S4] Trim Speed Up:
[S5] Trim Speed Down:
[S6] Trim Nose Up:
[L Dial] Trim DEC/INC:
[R Dial] Menu DEC/INC: