GAUGE: Vertical Speed (VSI)
Gauge v2.4.001 - Current Version 14th Feb 2024

1) Vertical Speed Needle
2) Over climb/descend Warning
3) Stall indicator
4) Pitch Trim Indicator
5) Button pitch trim adjustment
6) Dials also used to reset and Set Trim
7) Lighting changes with panel lights
8) Mini Menu
9 Change Needle Style
10) 3x Different Dial Backgrounds (2x Ranges)
11) Set Warning LED Vertical Speed Activation
12) Optional glass reflections
13) Brightness Control (Physical FIP)

Aircraft Compatibility:
Simulator: Fully Compatible
3rd Party: Fully Compatible
Please report any 3rd Party incompatibility via our discord channel

Buttons & Dials Summary:
[S1] Nose Trim Down:
[S2] Centre Trim:
[S3] Centre Trim:
[S4] Take Off Trim (18%):
[S5] Centre Trim:
[S6] Nose Trim Up:
[L Dial] Nose Trim Down & Menu Value +/Nose Trim Up & Menu Value -:
[R Dial] Mini Menu Previous/Next:

The Sidebar:
If the blanking plate is used instead of the sidebar, then colour of the plate can now be changed by editing variable [FG_GLOBAL_BLANKING_COLOUR] in SPAD.neXt data monitor.

FG_VSI_MENU (Session)
     Menu Item Index (0 to 10)
     0 = Menu Closed
     1 = Version & Info
     2 = Side Buttons
     3 = Center Trim
     4 = Needle Style
     5 = Pick Range
     6 = Warning VS
     7 = Glass Reflections
     8 = Background Colour
     9 = Brightness Control
     10 = Panel Lights Control
FG_VSI_MENU (Session)
     Menu Item Index (Menu Closed = -1, Instructions = 0, Side Buttons = 1)
     Saved - Gauge
     Side Buttons (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Side Button Labels (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Instructions Page (Off = 0, On = 1)
Elevator trim pct,percent
Vertical speed,feet per minute
(not all vars used in every gauge)
     Variable used for dial acceleration (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Brightness value of physical FIP's. Affects all physical gauges (20-250)
     Variable used when editing Global or individual Brightness (0-1)
     0 - Global Brightness
     1 - Inedividual Brightness
     Text Variable used to set blanking plate colour
     Glass Reflection (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Toggle visibility of Mini Menu LED (0 = On, 1 = Off)
     Background Colour (0 to 3)
     1 = Grey panel with grey gauge face
     2 = Blue grey panel with grey gauge face
     3 = Dark grey panel with black gauge face
     4 = Dark blue panel with black gauge face.  
     Background Colour (Black = 0, Blue = 1 )
     Minimum voltage before gauge electronics turns off (-1 to 150)
     -1 = Disabled
     0 - 150 = Off Voltage Level
     Internal Variable - Used to store off voltage value - do not edit
     Night Lit Mode (Off = 0, On = 1)
     Shared variable for switching inHg and MB (0 to 1)
     0 = inHg
     1 = Millbars
  Background Colour (0 to 6)
     0 = Grey
     1 = Black Dial Face
     2 = Darker Gauge & Dial Face
     3 = Black & No Gauge GFX
     4 = Grey - Original Design
     5 = Black Dial Face - Original Design
     6 = Darker Gauge & Dial Face - Original Design
     Internal variable used to read current voltage

Release Notes:
2.4.000 - Using New Sidebar Button and Labels Code (4 display options now also) - blank sidebar custom colour
     - 1) SPAD.neXt 0.9.15 Compatibility (Convert "PRESS" to "PRESSSHORT") Fixes short and long press both firing on long press.
     - 2) Menu system upgraded
     - 3) New gauge brightness code using SPAD brightness variables.
     - 4) Can control global or individual gauge brightness in gauge (Profile saved settings)
     - 5) Better use of button lights
2.3.004 - New Custom Virtual Power supports ALL aircraft volt variables - See
2.3.003 - Added Blanking plate to sidebar options
2.3.002 - Removed Elevator Trim Percent code as no longer supported by SPAD.neXt
2.3.001 - Virtual Power Warning added to Menu
2.3.000 - Added New Gauge Design and Panel Lighting control in Mini Menu
2.2.006 - Support for NEW 4 colour hue panel lights.
2.2.005 - Tweaked voltage monitoring to better support MSFS2020. Added Monitoring for Battery Bus
2.2.004 - Event optomisations by adding dynamic needle images
2.2.003 - SPAD.neXt 0.9.7.x Variable Scope Compatibility
2.2.002 - Updated Menu GFX
2.2.001 - Gauge brightness control added to menu
2.2.000 - Panel Lights now controlled by local variable (FG_GLOBAL_PANEL_LIGHTS) 0=Off 1=On
2.1.003 - Increased sensitivity of Trim Buttons & Added Trim Percent's Numeric Display
2.1.002 - Fixed 0-6000 display range showing slightly wrong values (unreported)
2.1.001 - Minor Bug Fix
2.1.000 - Resized Text to become compliant with SPAD.neXt scaling changes
2.0.1 Fix bug in missing Buttons background mask.
2.0.0 New colour schemes available in mini menu.
1.5.1 Bug fix - One of the needle styles in both 100x feet ranges wasn't moving
1.5.0  Improved graphics with shadows and transparency, Optional glass reflections.
1.4.1 Added trim position set buttons (S3 = Centre, S4 = Take Off)
1.4 Enhanced Version, Mini Menu and Needle Changes & Dial Ranges
1.3 Panel Lights added
1.2 L Dial now adjusts trim and improved needle accuracy
1.1 Panel Lighting
1.0 Public Release

Please report any bugs or feature requests via our discord channel

Document Published 14/02/2024

Copyright 14/02/2024